Journalist visa

What is a Journalist Visa?
It is an immigration status that is granted to foreign correspondents that come to carry out professional services in Peru. It is regulated by Article 11 subsection F of the Immigration Law Legislative Decree No. 703 amended by Legislative Decree No. 1043.

It is subject to special provisions established by Supreme Decree No. 0006-87-RE.

Foreign press correspondents, journalists and representatives of a means of information from a foreign country are considered, as is the case of news agencies, newspapers and/or magazines, radio stations, television and the like that perform tasks in Peru.

Who issue a Journalist Visa?
Peruvian embassies and consulates abroad

Validity of a Journalist Visa

The maximum validity shall be one year, renewable for equal periods for the duration of the stay of the correspondent in Peru. This shall be a "multiple visa", i.e., valid for multiple entries and exits of the national territory. The expedition of it is free. Download Visa Form & Foreign Press Accreditation.

In case entering Peru with a different visa to a Journalist Visa, is it possible to change it?

The foreign press correspondent, who has entered the country with a Non-immigrant Temporary Tourist Class or Business Visa, may request a Journalist Visa to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Download Visa & Accreditation Foreign Press Form.

Office and responsible officer
Press Office, Ms. Susana Fernandez. Telephone exchange: (51-1) 204-2400 Direct dial phones: (51-1) 204-2679, 204-2664. Fax: (51-1) 204-2667. Email:

Temporary entrance of material and film equipment

Temporary Entrance of Professional Equipment

The non-resident traveller may temporarily enter for the term of his/her stay in the national territory, with suspension of payment of taxes and without obligation to submit guarantee up to a maximum of twelve (12) months, assets of professional use required for the performance of his/her duties (S.D. 182-2013-EF, Article 21).

Previously, when processing their visas, journalists must submit to our missions the valuable and detailed list of equipment that they enter the country, for which they must download, complete and submit the temporary entrance of equipment and materials for professional use Form (Download Temporary Entrance of Professional Equipment Form)

The Form, duly completed, should be sent to the Press Office which after verification, shall be responsible for getting it to the Customs.

Transmission equipment fly-away and drone cameras require a special permit issued by the Ministry of Transport and Communications that the journalist should arrange directly with the institution. Click this link to find out more about it.

Office and responsible officer
Press Office. Ms. Susana Fernandez Telephone Exchange: (51-1) 2042400. Direct dial phones: (51-1) 2042679, 2042664. Fax: (51-1) 2042667 Email: